Curls, the bends of an artificial eyelash, play a crucial role in the world of eyelash extensions. Choosing the right curl type can affect the entire look and significantly shape the end result of the eyelash extension. There are various types of curl available in eyelash extensions to suit individual needs and preferences.

The most common curl types in the world of false eyelashes are J, B, C, C+, D, D+, L, L+, M, LD, LC, and V. Each of these letters represents a specific bend, ranging from gently curved to dramatically curved. The variety of curls allows the eyelash extension to be perfectly tailored to the shape of the eye and the desired effect.

  • J-Curl: Gently curved eyelashes for a natural look.
  • B-Curl: Slightly curved eyelashes, ideal for a subtle effect.
  • C-Curl and C+: Classically curved eyelashes for an elegant appearance.
  • D-Curl and D+: Dramatically curved eyelashes for intense glamour.
  • L-Curl and L+: Straight eyelashes for an open, awake look.
  • M-Curl: Straight foot with strong bend upwards.
  • LD-Curl: Ideal for natural eyelash extensions with a slight lift.
  • LC-Curl: A mix of L- and C-Curl for an expressive look.
  • V-Curl: The perfect choice for a striking, voluminous look.

Choosing the right curl type depends on the individual nature of the eyes and the desired effect of the eyelash extension. An experienced eyelash stylist will recommend the optimal curl type to emphasize the natural beauty of the eyes and create an enchanting look.